Jun 6, 2008

Kung-fu Panda comes to USA!!!

You guys, Kung-Fu panda has come to the USA. In a birth day party today I have seen the movie of Kung-Fu panda. I thought that the movie was really good it was a lot of funnie parts like when panda hits. The movie is about a panda that works at a noodle restaurant that his "dad" (a crane) has in the china on the years of the samurais.
The storie talks about a group of five great Kung-Fu masters that are the best in the hole world. Another bad animal that had been trained from the trainer of the five masters, wanted to be the six master but the inventor of kung-Fu says that he saw some evil in his heart. The bad animal turns against the other Kung-Fu masters the get him and they send him to the best jail ever in history with 1,000 guards that all were really equipped with all the swords and all the ax's and all the other things. The inventor of Kung-Fu has a dream that the bad animal escapes the jail and attacks the temple they find the sixth master, (that was the panda). Then the same master that trained the the bad animal trains the panda, but anyways the five masters fight against the bad animal the almost die and then the help the villagers to escape the village. The trainer of the panda fights the bad animal and then the panda saves his trainer before the bad guy kill him. He defeats him and then they panda sets china free from the bad animal.

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Leonardo Cervera de la Cruz